Month: March 2011
Hump Day Highlight: Jon Schmidt
Hey guys, I’m going to keep this short cos I haven’t been feeling so great this week. That’s also why my progress video isn’t in, but I still have a couple days before the end of the month, officially, so I’ll have it in by then 🙂 Today’s highlight is of a guy that actually…
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Hump Day Highlight: Sungha Jung
Welcome back to another Hump Day Highlight! Today’s highlight is an amazing kid from South Korea. He doesn’t normally do piano pieces (you’ll see why below) but I couldn’t resist when I saw this. And as a bonus today, I’ve included a second video down below of what Sungha is more well known for. Sungha…
The Beatles – Let It Be – Week 3
This weeks recording has no voice. I was trying to focus on the piano and think it helped. Next week is the final recording and I’ll be doing the entire song with voice and everything so stay tuned!
Hump Day Highlight: Mysterious Korean Guy
Ok, so this is different. I don’t actually know who this guy is, but I found this video really interesting and well shot. The playing is done well too.
The Beatles – Let It Be – Week 2
Here we are, week 2! I’ve added in the left hand and some vocals. Enjoy!
Hump Day Highlight: David Osborne
Well hello Mr. President. Yea, this guy has said that. Today’s highlight features a guy that has played for multiple presidents at the white house. They say he’s trying to keep the romantic piano alive, a very noble goal. What I like about him is that he does covers of all sorts of songs and…
The Beatles – Let It Be – Week 1
Ah, a new day and a new challenge. This month, I’ll be covering The Beatles hit, Let It Be. I love the song, and the meaning behind it. It’s great stuff and I’m excited to get going. After one week, I’ve got kind of the basic tune down but the left hand gets hairy pretty…
Hump Day Highlight: Liu Wei
Hey everyone! Another beautiful Wednesday. It’s like 50 degrees out here and I’m lovin’ it! 😉 So today’s highlight comes from across the world; China to be exact. This guy entered into a competition in China and no one expected what they saw when he came out. The guy has no arms! He plays the…