Category: Hump Day Highlight

  • Hump Day Highlight: Emily Bear

    Welcome back to another hoppin’ Wednesday! Today’s highlight is of: Emily Bear Emily is a musical prodigy that has been compared to Mozart. She discovered the piano and could play scales at the age of 2 and 1month. She was found playing the piano all alone one day, with no prior interest or teaching. She’s…

  • Hump Day Highlight: Scott D. Davis

    Welcome to another HDH! I am really enjoying this series. I get to share lesser known pianists and great pieces from when I was a kid with you guys. It’s awesome. Today’s highlight is: Scott D. Davis Scott is 37 and most of his videos are from when he was younger (and as you can…

  • Hump Day Highlight: Rufus Wainwright

    Today’s highlight: Rufus Wainwright I’m sure you’ve heard the song in the video. It’s been called the Shrek even though it’s been around a lot longer than those films, but Rufus Wainwright’s version is just killer. I love how much feeling he puts into the performance. He does the same thing in all the other…

  • Hump Day Highlight: Tim Minchin

    I’m still trying to figure out when and what I want to do around here. All I know is that I’ll be posting video updates on progress every Friday. I’m thinking I’ll do a string of series on Monday and Wednesday so here’s what I think Wednesday will feature: a mini-bio and video of a…